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Infusoria Starter Culture

$24.50 GST inc.



Each portion is 250ml, and includes a variety of micro-organisms, micro-fauna and flora in dormant or active stages. Simply add this to your own tank set-up to “seed” the water with the right stuff.

The food you give your fry in their first few days of life mast provide them with adequate nutrition during the early stages of their life, or they may fail to develop properly and could even starve to death before they grow large enough to accept other foods like microworms and vinegar eels.

To aquarium enthusiasts, infusoria refers to many small organisms in the water that tiny fry can feed up upon. There’s a large number of organisms that could be in an infusoria culture; some of the primary ones include: Algae, Amoebas, Euglena, Paramecium, Rotifers, Stentor, Vorticella etc.

Infusoria is particularly critical for anyone who is attempting to breed fish, as many newly hatched fry feeds entirely on microscopic infusoria during the early days of their lives. Having a ready supply of infusoria can make the difference between success and failure of the entire hatching of young fry.

Most egg scatters such as Celestial Pearl Danios, Harlequin Rasboras, Tetras such as Ember Tetra, Neon tetra, Cardinal, Tetra, etc., do not provide any parental care, this includes Goldfish will scatter the eggs over plants and substrate and move on. Also, some livebearers such as Guppies, Mollies, Platies, Swordtails, etc., do not stick around to fend their babies; instead, they willingly relish the newborns for an afternoon snack.

Infusoria is absolutely one of the best foods for newly hatched betta fry and egg layers. The first few days of life are incredibly important for newly hatched fry. If the fry do not receive adequate nutrition during the early stages of their life, they may fail to develop properly and could even starve to death before they grow large enough to accept other foods like micro worms and vinegar eels. To feed your fry, add a small amount of water from the infusoria solution jar to your fry tank.

Our Infusoria starter kit includes the following:
1. 250 milliliters of live teeming infusoria culture (see video below).
2. Instructions guide on how to successfully maintain a healthy, happy and productive infusoria culture.

This video demonstrates some of the micro-organisms types normally available in our infusoria culture kits. The video was shoot in our lab under a microscope.


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